Working Mechanism of Client Face Verification – Defined and Explained

The era of artificial intelligence-backed facial recognition kickstarted in 2010 pertaining to an instance where on the loose terrorist, Osama bin Laden was identified in 2011. However, the increasing need for the face recognition process is not to fight just terrorism. There are other criminal activities following this type. For instance, identity fraud, illegal onboarding, manipulation, and more. The sector most in need of this encrypted technology is security and surveillance. This is because of their delicacy of work. Coming right after are banking and finance, e-commerce, and the healthcare industry.  

Client face verification is the new normal in the identity recognition market. It not only verifies the customers’ identities but also their facial traits. The system employs AI technology and runs scans of the faces of customers. The plus point is that the system fetches the results in a matter of seconds. Facial verification falls under biometrics authentication. This is why it identifies the customers in real-time by extracting required traits from a selfie, uploaded video, or live call. 

Artificial Intelligence and Facial Verification – The Robust Pair

Industries around the globe are using facial recognition which is helping them in attaining maturity and inculcating more innovative solutions. Artificial intelligence, machine, and deep learning technology combined with facial verification open new spheres for industries to ensure legit customers’ onboarding. The system finds, compresses, and inspects the facial features to cross-check them in the database. In the end, the system fetches results, presents them in front of the end-user, and later stores them in the back office through API calls. 

Face Detection

In this first step, systems locate the face in the provided photo or any other type of document. Law enforcement agencies can use facial detection to identify criminals even in a crowd. Likewise, digital platforms verify customers’ identities through this. 

Face Alignment 

Nothing in the world is perfect and similarly, digital services possess some errors, despite all the hype. If the customers have their face turned away from the defined center point by the system, it will appear to be different from the actual one. But this can be normalized as computer systems use a mathematical algorithm to map the face. And deep learning technology backs this process.

Facial Measurement

This is the most crucial step among the rest of the others. This is so because the system extracts facial traits here. During its initial stages, this step was not confined to what to extract. However,  machine and deep learning have minimized the hassle due to their self-learning tactic. Hence, it automatically detects and extracts the needed facial identifiers.

Facial Recognition

In this step, the system through its specific algorithms compares the features and measurements. The face is then matched within the database with the identical ones. 

Facial verification

Facial verification is the last among the steps. Encrypted AI-tech matches the face and if it is verified then the system gives end-users a go-ahead. However, if not, it stays unverified. Furthermore, the system verifies both 2-D and 3-D types of faces but the time taken can vary. 

More than One Benefits of Face Identification Online

As years are passing by, criminals and fraudsters are increasing. This is due to the new available tech-based loopholes. This is evident from the rising number of identity theft complaints and this is not it, it is expected to increase more. Therefore, this popularity gaining technology is termed to be the solution to place digital barricades in criminals’ way. But evolving and technological advancement has made them aware of new manipulative ways. These circumstances have made the old, slow-paced, and simple manual methods outdated for facial recognition. This is mainly because of the numerous benefits that digital facial verification solutions allocate to businesses. 

Robust Customer Verification

Regulatory bodies have mandated for the businesses to verify customers’ identities alongside their age, in-place presence, and facial traits. For this, industries need to adopt robust solutions that provide state-of-the-art identification while enhancing the legit customers’ onboarding process. The online face verification systems here can speed up the pace of identification even if criminals are camouflaging faces and identities. 

Minors’ Protection

The “I am 18+” tick box does not suffice with the aim of restricting minors anymore. This has put the protection of minors from the perils of technological verse at the question. Filling in the details and uploading documents don’t support the restriction as minors get hold of their elders’ data to bypass verification processes. To combat this, face verification is a readily available encrypted solution.


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